Studio Rapaccini, based in Terni – Umbria, has been working as a distributor of industrial instrumentation and automation products, machine builders and system integrators for over twenty years.
Studio Rapaccini boasts experience and professionalism which can satisfy everyone’s needs.
We can develop customized technical solutions for your needs of maintenance and technological revamping of the plant. For advise or simply quotations please contact us at:
The products in the catalogue are divided into six sections:
- Equipments for measuring, control and safety of the gas
- Field transmitters of physical quantities
- Portable transmitters of physical quantities
- Components for man/machine safety
- Temperature control and regulation
- Components for regulation and control of industrial processes
The products represent a wide range of offer regarding the conversion, such as field transmitters (levels, flow rates, humidity, pressure, etc…) or portable, while sections dedicated to the man-machine safety (bumpers, safety barriers, PLC and safety units, etc…) and to the analysis and gas treatment for industrial plants (methane, toxic and dangerous gases ) are more specialized.
The instrumentation concerning the process temperature has a dedicated link (thermocouples, Pt100, temperature controllers, pyrometers etc…), while the last section is a mix of products for specific applications in automation and process control (wireless transmitters, collision avoidance radar systems, cabinets and control relays, digital indicators, inductive and capacitive sensors, transducers, etc…)
However, the catalogue products and brands that you can find on our website are not exhaustive of the whole range of materials handled in our warehouse based in Terni – Umbria, where you will always find available products only from European or Japanese manufacturers and offers at the best market prices.
Some of our main customers are: Alcantara, Nestlè Italy, E.ON, Thyssenkrupp, Bayer Sheet Europe, etc…